The Material Handling Blog

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5 Simple Strategies to Attract and Retain Warehouse and Distribution Center Labor

April 16, 2019
Warehouse and distribution center managers face massive challenges in both hiring and retaining employees. Here are five simple strategies that help attract and retain warehouse and distribution center workers.
Posted in General Blogs

8 Top Recruiting and Interview Tips for Companies and Job Seekers

August 28, 2018
The hiring process can be a challenge for both companies and candidates. Here are 8 recruiting and interview tips to make the process better for everyone.

8 Steps for Improving Employee Engagement

December 21, 2012
If you ask human resource specialists for the most desired trait in an employee, they are likely to tell you employee engagement because engaged employees work hard, do the right thing, and enjoy coming to work each day. Because of this, it is important for companies to improve employee engagement when possible, so here are 8 tips to help you do so...
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

